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发布者:施婷婷 发布时间:2023-10-13 浏览次数:519

报告题目:Understanding urban heat at large scales in a changing climate



报告人:赵磊 博士

主持人:肖薇 教授


专家简介:赵磊,于耶鲁大学获大气物理学博士学位,现为美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校助理教授。主要从事大气边界层的物理和工程过程研究,特别关注建筑表面和城市环境。他将理论、数值模拟、遥感和观测以及先进的机器学习方法相结合,研究与城市环境、气候和水文、气候变化、气候影响和适应有关的环境流体力学和地-气交换。在顶级期刊上发表了40多篇论文,其中在Nature, Nature Climate Change, Nature Geoscience Nature Communications上发表了10多篇文章。获得了美国自然科学基金委杰出青年学者奖(U.S. NSF CAREER Award)2023年国际城市气候学会Timothy Oke Award2023年美国地球物理学会(AGU)“全球环境变化早期职业生涯奖”。

报告简介:Cities are where major human-perceived climate change impacts occur. The uniqueness of local urban climates such as urban heat island (UHI), a common phenomenon of relative urban warmth compared to surrounding rural areas, further exacerbates the heat stress induced by non-local greenhouse gas-induced warming. The associated socioeconomic impacts (such as public health, energy, and workplace productivity) are often much higher in urban areas than over other landscapes because of the concentrated population. These hazardous risks are projected to be further worsened due to rapid urbanization coupled with climate change. Understanding the mechanism of urban heat, its interaction with climate change, and the associated impacts is essential for effective urban climate adaptation and resilient development. Here in this seminar, I will present some of our recent works that combine Earth system modeling, theory, remote sensing, and physics-informed machine learning to understand the urban heat island, humid heat stress and exposure, future change, variability and uncertainty, and their implications to public health and urban adaptation at large scales. In the second part, I will present recent advances in representing urban-scale processes and dynamics in global-scale Earth system models.



